Take the whole family skiing. Simply detach the wheel, attach the draw-bars and you’re good to go.
Because of this particular design, it only takes a few minutes to change the sidecar into a pulk and vice versa

The sidecar has been designed to double as a sleigh, as runners have been molded to the base of the sidecar. The runners fit cross-country skiing tracks perfectly which in turn makes it very easy to pull the sleigh when skiing.

The sidecar has been built to fullfill the demands of the Norwegian authorities concerning pulks being used to transport children.

The pulk, as we also call it, (the Nordic word for a pod-like sled used to transport children or goods) gives the whole family an opportunity to experience nature in a truly amazing way. If the children have their own skis with them, they can take a break in the pulk when they need to rest the their legs.

Safety when using the pulk
Children under the age of six months may not ride in a pulk
You need to check regularly if the child feels too cold or too hot
Children may not ride in the pulk if the temperature is lower than minus 10°C or if it is very windy
It is important to insulate against the cold of the snow. We can recommend using the seat cushion
To use the sidecar as a pulk you need to buy the pulk set containing draw bars, mounting brackets, a harness and roll-over guards.
Find out if your bike fits.
Our sidecar fits 80% of bikes on the market. However, there are certain conditions that must be met before a sidecar can be mounted on a bicycle.

Send a picture
You can upload a picture of your bike, taken from the side and we will confirm its compatibility.
Mounting Bracket
How to determine which mounting bracket fits your bike.
If the length of the chainstay is over 44 cm, (17,3”) you need a long bracket.

if under 44 cm, a short bracket.